Saturday, 4 June 2011

Archery - Modern Competitive Archery

Modern Competitive Archery involves shooting arrows at a target for accuracy from a set distance or distances. This is the most popular form of competitive archery worldwide and is called target archery. A form particularly popular in Europe and America is field archery, shot at targets generally set at various distances in a wooded setting. Competitive Archery is governed by the International Archery Federation (FITA), and FITA rules are often considered normative. But large non-FITA-affiliated archery organizations do exist with different rules. There are also several other lesser-known and historical forms, as well as archery novelty games.

Target archery is the most popular form of archery, in which members shoot at stationary circular targets at varying distances. Target archery is governed by the International Archery Federation, abbreviated FITA (Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc). All types of bows can be used: longbow, barebow, recurve and compound. In Great Britain, Imperial rounds, measured in yards, are still used for a lot of tournaments and these have slightly different rules to FITA (metric) rounds, which are used internationally. Archers are divided into seniors and juniors, with juniors being those under the age of 18.

Field archery involves shooting at targets of varying (and often unmarked) distance, often in woodland and rough terrain. One goal of field archery is to improve the techniques and abilities required for bow hunting in a more realistic outdoor setting. As with golf, fatigue can be an issue as the athlete walks the distance between targets across sometimes rough terrain. Field Archery is usually shot according to either IFAA (International Field Archery Association) rules or to FITA (Federation International de Tir a L'Arc) rules. Some national organisations (such as the NFAS in the UK) have their own rules. FITA rounds consist of 24 targets, which may have marked or unmarked distances depending on the specific type of round. FITA Field Archery is very popular in Western Europe whereas 3D is shot mostly in the Americas and Oceania.

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