Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Archery Equipment

Archery is the practice of shooting arrows with the help of a bow. Archery has originated far back in history. Historically archery was used in hunting and combat. Later on archery has become a precision sport.

Archery Equipment

These are basic four archery equipment necessary for archery sports are given below.


In archery, there are different bows to choose from. Recurve bows are the ones used in the Olympic Games. Recurve bows are especially designed and bent archery bows that are usually fitted by a limb. If you want to join archery competitions, this is the bow that you need to practice with. Otherwise, you can use the traditional bows and crossbows. But be informed that they don't necessarily conform to the Olympic standards.


Archery arrows come in different varieties too. You can also build your own arrows or you can simply buy the ready-to-use ones. Generally, archery arrows can be classified according to competition arrows or leisure arrows. Leisure arrows are good for hobbyists. Go for the competition arrow types if you want to eventually join an archery contest. Arrows are one of the many pieces of archery equipment you can't do without.

Sights and Scopes

If guns have crosshairs, bows have sights and scopes. These archery equipment pieces could take you closer to the target so don't enter a competition without it. The more complex the sight is, the better accuracy you can get from your shot. Sights are specifically fitted to the bows. So every type of bow needs a special type of sight.


To ensure yourself of a good shot every time, you need stabilizers to do the job. Stabilizers are rods and mounts connected to the arrow to ensure you of a steady hand and a steady shot. Top not archers invest on these archery equipment items to get their game going.

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